Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A bit about me

Hello my name is Halie, I am a junior at Ohio University, I am a photojournalist and this is my fist blog. I am from Connecticut and I came here to ohio for my major. Although i surprisingly love it here in athens i do miss what my home has to offer from the ocean to sail and swim in to the snow covered mountains to ski in :). A little bit about me, is my family is wicked important to me, i love them parents so much i rather hang out with them half the time and my brother is my only sibling and he is also my absolute best friend in the world and I am his. Although my life right now is very much centered around my family my life now is changing to be more focused on my education of becoming a world journalist. I truly intended to change the world, for better, at lest in specific areas, with my work and I believe and will do so because I am a extremely determined persona and I work hard no matter what especially with things i believe in. Really there is much I could say but I rather have someone find out about me through meeting me and becoming my friend than explain myself in words.
Oh and i apologize for miss spelled words or the wrong word because thats just who and I am.. a bad speller.

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