Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"Grow inwardly and with knowledge become truly wiser"

Okay can I just say Save the Whales, Screw the Shrimp is amazing. Not that I like the idea of the mistreatment of the earth but i love how he goes about it. First of all it is like reading my own thoughts but witty. Although I am a big environmentalist and I try to do my part, lets be honest I do practically nothing and as I read it i keep saying to myself well when I am older i will have my own house and i can making all environmentally friendly.. but that is not now so doesn't count yet.
I found that I could connect with The Conundrum of Consumption because he was talking about where I am from and i could see what he was talking about but i found Save the Whales, Screw the Shrimp way more influential. Everything just me think of things in my life like when he talks about driving past crushed animals on the road; that is something i personally can not drive by with out the want to shut my eyes or at lest flinch wickedly. Then he goes into the photo of a sea turtle and it was a fantastic visual of what nature is perceived as but also how it really is. Like we were saying class that 'nature isn't separated from 'civilization' people just think that. Nature is around us; pollen is in the air whether it is in a city or a forest same with mice. :)
When he talks about the gov't finding an "acceptable level of harm" was priceless and so true. In all my environmental classes we talk of the good that does but he puts in a whole new true light. Although realistically we can not just stop all consumption and really that is not natural all things in nature consume and create waste we humans just create a mass amount. But then he then brings but a great point relating to that.. although we can't just stop all consumption we should really think about what we are consuming; "it's been a popular weed killer, even though it has been directly linked with birth defects. You must hate weeds a lot." <>
Later on the consumption of shrimp is talked about and yet again a fantastic point comes up; "When you love something, it had better watch out, because you have a tendency to love it to death."
It is interesting because tourism is then brought up. And i have been thinking about this for the last few days. It bring in money to help fix things and so on but it does have that horrible affect of showing people how amazing the things worth saving are and in return it helps destroy them.
Williams goes on to more amazing points and i could go on for days so maybe i put a few quotes that are great or some that i think shouldn't be passed by and should be thought about:

"wild things exist only of you have the graciousness to allow them to."
(this is about the museum) "three hundred species are there, at least a third of them-the rarest ones-killed and collected by one C.J. McElroy, who enjoyed doing it and now shares what's left with you."

(now the zoo) "You don't want to see too much of anything, certainly. An example will suffice."

"you seem to prefer to continue pondering effects rather than preventing causes. You want proof..."

"Uninhabitable the world has to get before you rein in your requirements."
(to prove pollution they ruined a lake in 80 years) "Now the scientist are slowly reversing the process. But it will take hundred of years for the lakes to recover. They think."

"The Forest Service, which now manages our forest by cutting them down..".... "They can't help us if we've killed them, now can they? <<< **

perfect to end my wicked long blog entry: " The ecological crisis cannot be resolved by polities. It cannot be solved by science or technology. It is crisis caused by culture and character, and a deep change in personal consciousness is needed."

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