Thursday, February 3, 2011


So these last reading of course made me look at everything i was eating this week, although i wont lie i normal pay very close attention. But I was calculating everything. And I thought I eat well, and I do but I have decided that I can make some easy improvements, although they seem easy until done.
Okay so I buy about 80 to 90 % of my food locally, and what I don't buy locally i buy organically but I need to get over my want to eat things like apples soon because they wont have them a the farmers market, that will be a hard battle, I say this as i chomp on an apple and peanut butter right now. I also feel like i need t make more home made food. Yes i am not someone who buys frozen or much precooked food but everyone in awhile I will get premixed falafel and all i have to do is add water or oil. It is just like the book said it is about time. We rush everything, food is something we enjoy but it is also something we can push into a a quick press on the microwave and shoving it into our mouths because we are late for class or late for work. I run this group called Conscious ohio and what I am talking about now is what we go by; we make our food with love and quality time. It take two hours to make but the food is wonderful and everything, and i mean everything is made from scratch.. and so far i have yet t eat better food. As the book said things just taste better fresh an home made, when time has been put into making it food and not just some microwavable box.


  1. I think it is really impressive that you buy 80 to 90 percent of your food locally. I am at maybe 10 percent... sad, I know. Do you find that it is a lot more expensive to buy locally?

  2. I have also been thinking more about what I eat lately. I thought I made good eating choices. I hardly eat ou let olone fast food. Most of my meals are made from scratch using good quality products. After watching Food Inc. I think I need to redifine what good quality produts are. Here is an interesting item that was not mentioned in the movie. The coating that is used on the microwavable box is released when heated and goes into the food. It may be better to put the food on a plate to heat. One thing we should also do as a family is take time to sit down and eat. This time ends up being good quality family time.

  3. Your comment about eating together is right on. I too am impressed by Halie's food habits. I am a lot looser about it. I buy apples from Washington state because I want apples. But you're right to question this. I don't think we should just stop all importing food. If I did that I'd never eat bananas, avocados, pecans, peanuts, chocolate, my beloved coffee, and many more. But even moving a bit in the direction of local, seasonal etc. is an important step.

  4. so for the first question is it more expensive... interesting question because it is but then it isn't. I love milk and i buy snowville, yes more expensive than other milk, but i wouldn't be caught dead drinking milk that isn't from grass feed or properly tread cows. But really when things are in season it is just ridiculous how much cheaper they can get. This fall i was getting 2 peppers for 1 dollar, and these pepper are so much taster and better for you. I understand some people don't want to wait till fall to eat apples so they get them from a store(i may do this only a few times but i break down sometimes) but when stuff is in season people still shop at stores so I don't know I think it would be awesome if people bought things that were in season from local areas instead of getting shipped in when it grows in your back yard.
    And the whole microwave in general lets say im not a big fan of how the microwave heats my food but yeah simple things like not heating up food in a plastic box will make a health difference for people, there are so many things that go into what we eat that goes beyond the food itself, its the packaging, the shipping the way we cook it what we do with all the boxes that it is stored in. food is an amazing thing that controls so much of our life. it just amazes me not as many people pay attention to such an important thing

  5. I applaud you for your eating habits. They are not like most Americans these days. It is hard with the busy fast pass of our nation to sit down and have a good healthy meal. Its especially hard for college students. Most are just getting out there on there own and have to learn how to do all of their healthy cooking the mother used to do. So we tend to resort to the microwave and frozen food sections of the store. I do miss my families sit down meals and the love that went into creating them.
