Sunday, February 6, 2011

Response on Food Inc.

So i think as we all know the movie was very disturbing, although it was not my first time watching it, it never losses it effects on me. As much as movies like that are upsetting i love them, maybe because I am a journalist and i love seeing what people uncover about things that others want no one to ever see, but I also like it because it is about something i am interested in. Although this movie motivates me it also makes me just sad. I am a vegetarian and a lot of people assume it is because of the horrible treatment of animals and that fact that they have to be killed ( if you knew how much i loved animals you would understand ;) but this movie makes the animal treatment soo horrible that I am glade that I don't eat those poor animals and maybe i will be use it as an extra reason why i don't eat meat, but pretty much that movie is why i don't eat meat.
Before watching this movie I never saw all the facts they presented in visuals, which was startling. Seeing the chickens, cows and the mass fields of vegetables just being a visual truth to the facts. For me the most influential part was the story of Kevin and having his mother tell it. It is horrible to think that things like that could happen and nothing be done about it. I always don't understand how health issues caused by industries' environmental pollution can not result in the industry being punished or paying for it. It actually is one of my biggest pet peeves. I am really unsure what to even say about the movie because there is so much and if i get started I feel like I wont stop. :(


  1. I like the fact that you admit how much you like this movie although you are a vegetarian and it exposes exactly what irks you the most. It is movies like these that cause us to reevaluate the choices we make. Movies like this cause change and ignite opinions. Loving animals is not the only reason why people are vegetarians. Many do it for health reasons and for some, it is simply how they were raised. Regardless of why one chose to become a vegetarian, footage from the movie is enough to change one's ways.

  2. Sometimes the sad movies turn out to be the most motivating. And this movie definitely falls into that category. And even though the movie revealed some pretty horrible things as you mention, it is almost necessary to initiate change.

    Unfortunately, just being a vegetarian wont stop the injustices to animals.

  3. The story about Kevin was heartbreaking. I was so angry that his mom couldn't even say what she wanted to say about the beef companies because they would have sued her. I couldn't believe that not only could the beef manufacturers do that legally but that they actually would do that. Her kid died from E.Coli in a bad batch of beef and she can't say that people still die because the beef manufacturers haven't changed their methods? I don't get that at all.

  4. I agree that no matter how many times you see this film, its effect is never lost; each time I've watched it I have cringed, closed my eyes or just had to look away from the awful truths presented. There really is so much and nothing to say about this at the same time - the film speaks for itself. Talking about it helps but doing something about it will solve it.

  5. Agreed. It's a very controversial movie that definitely had an impact on us all. Too bad I love eating chicken and beef too much to become a vegetarian!

  6. Food Inc. really had a profound effect on me too the first time I saw it. Now I research everything I buy, most especially meat products. Shopping at smaller food stores, such as Seamans, helps a lot. They get a lot of the processed crap every other store has, but they also have a tendency to deal with more local food sources. But yes, I think its impossible for Food Inc. to not have an effect on someone, as we all eat food, and more and more we are all eating the same, awful food.
